An evening networking event will bring you even more possibilities to expand the relations on a personal level. Get in touch with the right people for your business and create your own Testing United success story.
The Testing United conference will be a gathering of professionals from the IT industry. An expected 300 curious delegates from the IT industry will attend two tracks of specialized talks.
Seize this opportunity to showcase your company and recruit potential talents from a professional audience gathered under one roof.
An evening networking event will bring you even more possibilities to expand the relations on a personal level. Get in touch with the right people for your business and create your own Testing United success story.
Be where your audience is. Expand your Brand Awareness beyond borders. Use the opportunity to share what your business is about with your target audience.
*Individuals who consented to share their personal contact information in the mobile app.
Nikolett Godová
Event Coordinator
If you have any questions or queries I will always be happy to help. Feel free to contact me by telephone or email and I will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.
Nikolett Godová
Event Coordinator
If you have any questions or queries I will always be happy to help. Feel free to contact me by telephone or email and I will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.
© Testing United 2025. All Rights Reserved Krone Consulting s.r.o.